Well done RSPB in questioning Talbot Village Trust’s application to build 378 homes and 450 student units on land south of Wallisdown Road and its recent approval.

Thank goodness that someone is looking at this and its long term implications.

The proposed increase of human population in this area will be harmful, in perpetuity.

We have to act now to prevent this flawed decision from being carried out.

Much is made of the need for affordable housing. OK, so why hasn’t Poole renovated and put back into use, the 1,500 empty homes listed on the Poole website?

Why use rare greenfield sites? Why not use brownfield or other sites?

Much is also made of the mitigation measures and the improvement to heathland.

However these are maintenance measures that the bodies responsible for the heath should have been carrying out anyway – maintaining pathways, protecting the heathland, its flora and fauna.

It is not good enough for the applicant to now put these measures forward as ‘mitigation’.

How is the UK going to maintain any green space if councils flout the 400m rules governing development close to protected heathland?

Personally, if I wanted to live in a Hong Kong type of environment, then I would move there, but I don’t – that’s why I live here!

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