I wonder how many of the nimbys who are objecting to the dwellings on Talbot Heath green fields have actualy been homeless, or lived in B&B with a couple of children because of the lack of affordable housing?

All the guff about councillors doing this or doing that, traffic problems and so on is just an excuse.

Whatever councillors are in power will not make any difference to the fact that certain people put green fields, trees, insects, birds, other creatures and their back yards before the lives of people that dare to upset them by wanting somewhere to live.

Many years ago Talbot Village was just that – a village.

I bet they did not moan when their houses were built – which, incidently, I was involved in.

I never saw any protesters when I was working on those houses. Bournemouth and Poole have not been rural areas for many many years. If that is what people want then move!

Ken Cole, Moorside Road, Kinson