I write with regard to the letter from Peter Lucan headed How to keep your NHS data private (Have Your Say, June 8).

I would like to reassure readers that the Summary Care Records Scheme is a safe and vital tool in recording patient data with confidentiality as its core purpose. The data recorded specifically highlights allergies, adverse reactions and medications people are using. The electronic availability of health information is not a new concept and to date there have not been any reported data losses or unauthorised access.

The only people who can access the Summary Care Records system are those who have the correct authority and who work on the NHS network. Any access to records is audited and patients can ask for a print out of all accesses made to their SCR record. It is important that patients know that even before any records can be viewed, the patient will need to give consent at the point of care.

Anyone with any queries should email dorset.scr@dorset-pct.nhs.uk

Sarah Elliott, Director of Patient Safety and Quality