It is with mixed feelings that I learn of Bournemouth council having to adopt the new petition scheme set down by central government to enable local residents more of a say.

I am very pleased that the people of Bournemouth will now have the opportunity to have their issues debated at a meeting of the full council if the petition contains enough signatures. I am also delighted to learn that if the petition contains fewer than that number, the Full Council will still have to consider the issues and this may result in a referral to the leader.

Whilst this is essentially a good idea and will receive my full support, I am very worried how it could possibly work in Bournemouth council.

The Conservative administration often uses a whip in council meetings which means councillors are not free to vote with their common sense and have to put party political interests first.

If we really want to give residents a say, this must change.

Therefore, I intend to move an amendement requesting that in the event of a petition forcing a vote, no party whips must be used and councillors must be permitted a free vote.

Cllr Michael Griffiths, town hall, Bournemouth