I read with interest about the boulevard of trees along the St Paul’s end of Holdenhurst Road, at a cost – so I have been told – of £100,000.

I don’t in principle oppose this expenditure, recession notwithstanding.

What does concern me is the degree to which civic pride in Bournemouth seems to extend for no more than a mile or two from the town centre.

At least one road in this area of Strouden Park has a fine display of rapidly growing evening primroses on the pavement; a matter which I doubt would be tolerated anywhere near the town centre.

The matter had been notified to ward councillors with, as yet, no indication if it will be tackled with any sense of urgency.

Last Sunday my wife and I went to Blandford and were so impressed by the beautiful floral display adorning the Market Place and nearby roads that I rang the town council to offer my congratulations.

But what comparable civic pride exists in Bournemouth taken as a whole?

The indicated figure of £100,000 for the boulevard would be more acceptable to me if it was matched by expenditure to brighten up the outlying parts of the town. Bournemouth councillors should examine their own consciences to question why on the one hand they are quite willing to spend a six figure sum on new trees in or near the centre of the town and do so little for the rest of the town.

Gordon Cann, Craigmoor Avenue, Bournemouth