I was incensed to read Christine Peters’ letter (Have Your Say, June 1) regarding what she considers to be a waste of money by sending our forces to Iraq, Afghanistan and the Falkland Islands.

Whilst we may not all agree with British forces being deployed in the world’s current trouble-spots, I fail to see how she can consider the Falkland Islands in the same context.

The Falkland Islands are British, hence why our troops were sent to reclaim them in 1982 and have maintained a presence there ever since, to protect our sovereignty.

Would she think it a waste of money if the mainland of Britain was invaded and we sent troops to protect it?

Would she happily see her homeland attacked by the armed services of another country and allow those forces to take control of everything, including her own freedom?

Of course she would not, so why expect a remote British island to put up with it?

As for her throwaway comment about “walking away with nothing to show for it”, I am disgusted.

What comfort her words must be to the many families who lost loved ones and continue to do so.

As someone whose husband suffered permanent disability from injuries received there and who has also lost not one, but two loved-ones during the conflict of 1982, I find her comments hurtful and above all unnecessary.

Tracy Dunne, Egmont Road, Poole