I AM a Christian, a mother of young adults and a retired teacher.

The spiritual and psychological well being of young people is very important to me.

I was shocked and saddened last Friday when watching ITV an advert targeting young people by the pro abortionist agency Marie Stopes appeared on the programme.

And the question arose: What are we doing to young people? What legacy are we handing down to them?

We are telling them that a crisis situation is handled with despair – no hope, no alternatives, but the abortion of the baby the young mother is carrying.

Instead of love, support and responsibility for the new life and the mother, death and the expected psychological damage of the young woman.

We are a Christian country – what are we proposing to our children?

What support are we giving them?

How much is a human life valued?

The harm that the advert can do is irreparable, let us hope and pray we all realise the importance of love alternatives for our children.

MARIA DAVIES, Westfield Road, Southbourne