May I extend an invitation to any reader who has served in the Electrical, Radio, Radar, Weapons or Control Branch of the Royal Navy, to visit the Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association stand on June 5th at the fantastic HMS Collingwood open day in Fareham?

The open day is a family day with all sorts of exciting events from parachute display to the field gun crews competition.

Come and meet the committee, but better still, scan the membership lists, (names, their ships and dates only), to see if your old Electrical Branch shipmates are members and start swinging that lamp with them.

The Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association is designed to reunite you with your old shipmates via membership lists, a regular newsletter and the ever popular reunions where many new friendships have been formed.

If you cannot make it, get further details from Mike Crowe, RNEBA, 7 Heath Road, Lake, Sandown, Isle of Wight, PO36 8PG or drop me an email at

MIKE CROWE, Heath Road, Sandown, Isle of Wight