Remembering the mantra my driving instructor left me with after passing my test in 1968, that you must ‘treat everyone else on the road as an idiot’, I can’t say that I have noticed ‘barging in’ by 4x4 drivers more than any other type. (Have Your Say, May 1).

All that I can say in agreement with your correspondent is that the vehicle appears to befit the size of their driver, in most cases, and presumably the larger vehicle makes the larger person appear slimmer by comparison when they step out of it?

A conjuror’s illusion, no less.

More to the point are the gamblers who shoot out in front of you where speed cameras are in operation, gambling on the safe bet that you’re doing 30mph, and thereby enabling them to slip into a small gap in the traffic.

They don’t take this risk elsewhere where it would be a danger, but they generate a hazardous situation nevertheless.

Alan Burridge, Blandford Road, Upton