I have again read in your paper about recent dog attacks on other dogs and of course seen reports in the national press about attacks on children in other parts of the country.

Both are abhorrent events, but I am sick of the fact that the dogs get the blame!

It’s not the dogs’ fault that their owner decides to reward aggressiveness, bad behaviour and stands by watching their dog attacking another.

I, and the vast majority of dog owners, would be mortified if my dog attacked another for no reason and, as to a child, I love my dog but if he attacked a child I would certainly have him put down immediately, there would be no question.

If legislation is to be put in place then maybe it’s time to prosecute the owner of the dog and place a ban on the person from owning a dog for a set number of years or for life.

It is they who have made their dog into an anti-social animal, or in some cases a lethal weapon.

John Fleming, Garland Road, Poole