Come on Daily Echo, start printing more letters about what’s going on in our local community, not what’s happening in places like Iceland and the coming election.

We all know where that’s going to take us, if we are honest.

Lets get to a real problem – four wheel drive vehicles and drivers.

I have been doing a little survey since April 1 and I am now in to double figures – 11 of these motors have pulled out in front of me at junctions, causing me to brake harshly.

Does the purchase of these vehicles come with a written clause to add to their insurance that they have right of way at all times?

Is there any real need for these huge vehicles on our roads?

It seems if half the drivers got out, someone would have to help them to get back in.

I know the comments about “my family are safer in them”.

I’m all for improved safety for all but what about the 56-year-old guy in his little grey Mazda with his two granddaughters in the back giving them a roller coaster of a ride?

Terry Jerrard, Slades Farm Road, Bournemouth