I WISH to take this opportunity to congratulate Bournemouth council and its employees for its actions on Remembrance Day (Driver ticketed after stopping to pay his respects, Daily Echo, November 12).

Their colours were well and truly nailed to the mast and their priorities self evident.

I refer to Mr Andy Scaysbrook being ticketed for paying his respect to the fallen at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

Never mind the public’s sensibilities, give us the money.

We can fine you – it’s our civic duty to do so.

Doubtless the motorists and pedestrians were pleased to see this as they passed by.

“Be you ever so high, the law is above you”.

These sentiments will be echoed by the dead and the still serving in the fight for freedom, so Bournemouth council can make money on those honouring sacrifices – this is what they died for.

Keep it up Bournemouth.

S CORNER, Wimborne Road, Bournemouth