Having read the Daily Echo’s revelations regarding Cllr MacLouglin, how disappointed I am that local politics and democracy within Bournemouth has once again got into muddy waters.

Even though I am not in possession of the full facts, it looks to me like there has been one major cover up by those in power.

The computer was checked in December, 2008 and now the story breaks?

Was it fair to suspend 20 social workers for a joke email and yet the leader of the council gets his wrist slapped?

Had it have been someone not in the ‘special circle’ would they have been asked to resign or had the political whip withdrawn, or if it was a council worker would he or she have been asked to resign?

So we have a council of double standards and special relationships.

Is Cllr MacLouglin above the standards and regulations set?

He is in a position of responsibility and is the figurehead – he should set the required standard.

Has the chief executive of Bourne-mouth Council acted in the best interest of Bournemouth?

It has been said that the misdemeanour happened off council property.

So if a council worker goes home and views material that is not in connection with his or her role then no action will be taken? I think not!

How can a man meet, for example the Chief Constable of Dorset Police with the knowledge of what was on his laptop circulating in the other person’s mind?

Can this man sustain his political career and be taken seriously?

I think those days have gone and it is time for him to resign.

Regardless who you are, when you are in the public eye you create a bubble that is open to the public eye – and I think in the case of Cllr MacLouglin the bubble has burst.

Nigel Gillespie, Fryer Close, Kinson