Pet owners – especially dog walkers – should be on their guard in the coming months, following some alarming findings about Lyme Disease – a painful, disabling condition which can affect both humans and animals.

Here at PDSA we have seen a 150 per cent increase in the number of suspected cases of this disease over the last three years.

Lyme Disease is transmitted by a tick bite.

It can spread to humans, dogs and cats, plus some other species by infected ticks.

Symptoms include a rash, fever, lameness and fatigue as well as swollen lymph glands and nerve damage.

We advise pet owners to cover up when in woods or long grass – and to check their pets after walks for signs of ticks.

And when a pet has been in woods or long grass, owners should check the fur, using rubber gloves, as an infected tick can bite both the pet and human.

If an owner does find ticks on their pet then their vet can safely remove them and also give advice on how an owner could effectively do this themselves in the future.

Elaine Pendlebury, senior veterinary surgeon, PDSA