Do you have a few seconds to spare to help save mountain gorillas?

You could make a vital difference by voting online for The Gorilla Organisation in the World Challenge global competition. You’ll be voting to protect gorillas and improve the lives of the people in the Democratic Republic of Congo who live around the precious gorilla habitat.

The Jiko Stoves project produces fuel-efficient stoves that reduce charcoal consumption by up to 75 per cent.

Villagers use charcoal to heat their homes and cook food but around 90 per cent of the charcoal comes from the Virunga National Park, and this is now one of the biggest threats to the survival of gorillas.

The Jiko stoves reduce how much charcoal villagers need to use, and also cut health risks from people breathing in smoke.

The $20,000 prize money in this competition would fund the project for an entire year.

You can help by voting online at: or go to the DR Congo Jiko Stoves project at Jillian Miller, director, The Gorilla Organisation, London