Although it is true, as Sir Peter Spencer, Chief Executive of Action for ME says (Have Your Say, September 26) that the priority in the farewell note of long-term ME sufferer Pamela Weston before going to Dignitas, Switzerland to die, was to “push the government hard on medical research into ME”, rather than to promote assisted suicide, which she chose for herself without universally recommending it for others, it is clear that she would have wished the issue more settled to avoid the clandestine way it is necessary to arrange for one’s death in a foreign land.

The ME community should, by pulling together, be able to realise both these final wishes.

Many people in limbo, awaiting clarification about prosecution for assisted suicide, will have hoped for greater clarity in the guidelines issued by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer. Parliament will have to consider enacting new legislation in accordance with the will of the people. A Populus survey in July shows a majority in favour of assisted suicide.

Dr John H Greensmith, ME Free For All