Whoever came up with this idea for a travellers’ site near the Triangle (Daily Echo, June 16) surely doesn’t think things through.

Firstly, it won’t stop the “unauthorised encampments” mentioned in the article.

In fact it will be making it easier for these to appear.

Think of the lovely Upper Gardens and Central Gardens that will be just on the doorstep of this proposed site. A short trip down the road and they can camp on the beach too.

Then we’ll have the “significant disruption and nuisance to residents and businesses” – giving the travellers access to several pubs at the Triangle, the lovely branded clothes shops, and the gated apartments on Crescent Road worth a few hundred thousand pounds.

This is a quiet and pleasant area and we want it to stay this way.

As for the police managing the site – they are hardly ever seen around even now, so I seriously doubt they’ll appear when this site does.

And what about the elderly and infirm residents of local sheltered housing accommodation who will have these travellers almost by their front door?

All of this for what will most likely be a pitifully small sum to use the site.

Why should they get such a handy location for the gardens, and town centre when the rest of us have to pay hundreds of pounds per month for the privilege?