I would like to respond to your unnamed correspondent who, in referring to proposals for the Branksome Recreation, states: “Let’s hope Poole Tory Council do not put pressure on the planning department to pass these proposals” (Have Your Say, June 16).

Members who sit on the planning committee must judge applications solely on planning issues; they must not predetermine any decisions, and any inappropriate lobbying or pressure by developers, members of the public or fellow councillors must be reported and dealt with in the proper way.

Your correspondent also states that: “We are tired of hearing that planning approval is just a formality and a done deal”. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is because of such irresponsible and baseless rumours that we commissioned Sir Michael Pitt to carry out a complete investigation into planning in Poole. Not only did he give the council a completely clear bill of health but went on to add: “What can be said with confidence is that few councils have taken so much care as the Borough of Poole to follow up speculation and ensure all is well.”

Cllr Ann Stribley, chairman of planning, Borough of Poole