HOW do you like yours – boiled, steamed, chipped, baked or roasted?

Yes, we all like our potatoes, but how would we like it if that was all we had to eat?

When Stephen Dominey, a Christian Aid volunteer officer, recently visited Bolivia on a fact-finding mission, he found this had been true, often in a dehydrated form, which he did not find palatable, in poor communities. With the support of the local Christian Aid partner, however, this particular village now has glass houses, enabling them to grow a bigger variety of crops, giving better nutrition, and also providing extra income from surplus produce sold at local markets.

Christian Aid Week approaches, and with it your opportunity to aid the weak.

So, if a red envelope pops through your letter box, don’t bin it, your spare cash may just make the difference between life and death. Christian Aid helps the world’s poorest communities, in 49 different countries through-out the world; it enables people to stand on their own feet whatever their religion.

Mary Harrison, secretary, Bournemouth Christian Aid Committee