I am amazed to see that former councillor Bernard Ewart, who should know better, is still perpetuating the myth that Poole Council was responsible for PTFC having to leave the stadium (Have Your Say, May 1).

Chris Reeves, vice-chairman of the football club, exploded this myth at the public meeting at the Lighthouse in January.

He made it clear that it was shortcomings in the previous management of the football club which prevented them using the stadium, not any action or inaction of the council.

Mr Ewart’s assertion that “the scheme is packed with community benefits”, suggests he has not seen the plans put out to the public by the club.

These plans only show three small multi-use games areas (MUGAS) in addition to the enclosed pitch – no play areas, no gardens, no green gym, not even an indication of improved drainage.

Yes, improvements to the pavilion, including a lift for access to the upper floor, would be welcome, but for many people the other parts of the scheme are far too high a price to pay for the tiny community benefits.

Marion Le Poidevin, Library Road, Parkstone