WHY can we not be more upbeat and optimistic about the Boscombe surf reef?

Recently we have heard far too much negative comment about it, we should be grateful to our forward-thinking council officers and elected councillors alike for daring to go forward with this difficult plan – one that was strewn with hidden expenses and unknown quantities – on our behalf!

Let’s face it – it is possible that the reef will not enhance the waves as much as we hope, but if there were no trail-blazers in this world, it would be a much poorer place in which to live. I for one am prepared to wait patiently for a further few months while the last bags of sand are placed in position, the Overstrand building is refurbished and the Sea-Change Project is put in place. Only then will we know how the project will turn out. We are so near to the end that any further griping is pointless and destructive.

Yes it has cost a great deal of money, but this is to be expected for such a development, and there is always the expectation of many extra visitors.

JANE KELLY, Boscombe Spa Road, Bournemouth