A RECENT correspondent sent a list of things that irritate him about Bournemouth.

My list is not so long as his.

In my view the single most irritating and dangerous thing is that of cyclists on the prom.

We are all aware that it is allowed, what we are not aware of is their silent presence.

They appear from nowhere, often at great speed and the number of ‘near misses’ can be seen daily, especially for children and the elderly.

Step out of a straight line and you could be in trouble.

I do not suggest a ban for cyclists on the prom, but I do suggest we seek controls.

Can I suggest the appropriate health and safety officers of the council take a trip over to Hove and view their simple and cheap solution: painted cycle lanes.

We all know where they are.

Pedestrians will not venture into them without looking and cyclists will invariably stick to them.

It works for Hove, so why not here?

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