LETTERS about Navitus Bay from Mike Chalkley and Ray Simpson (Echo, June 2) need answers.

The capital cost of a wind farm is 10 times that for a gas station plus the gas station must be built anyway as back-up for when there is no wind.

In the UK, wind failure happens for over five hours every week on average. Duplication and enormous electricity costs.

This immense inefficiency of wind means its wholesale price is £150 per MWh instead of £50 per MWh for gas.

A big ‘green’ tax pushing up fuel bills.

The 86 per cent opposition comes from a written ballot at the BIC where verified Bournemouth residents voted against the wind farm after a balanced information event. There were 12 per cent in favour and two per cent ‘don’t knows’.

Same sort of result as previous public events.

As for visual intrusion, that is one objection amongst many including tourism devastation, bird kill, noise, Jurassic Coast impact, property devaluation and shipping danger.

Wind power is not sustainable due to its terrific cost paid for through taxation. Wind power is simply not ‘free’.

Finally, if you must have it, why industrialise this beautiful area when the subsidy farm could be put in the North Sea damaging nobody?

BILL HOODLESS, Bournemouth