I write in response to Cllr Elaine Atkinson’s regrettable misconstruction of the origins of the temporary stopping places (TSP) policy, (Echo, February 21).

The chairman of SPC Liaison Group, Terry Stewart asked me to request a meeting with Poole Council to discuss the gypsy and traveller (G&T) agenda. This meeting was never to ascertain TSPs, at this stage they had not been mentioned. With advice and permission from the chief executive and Cllr Atkinson my role was to engage and enable attendees to better understand the G&T Agenda.

At the October 18 meeting portfolio holder Cllr Mike White said “the possibility of a temporary stopping place…. was being investigated” (thus clearly already in train prior to October 18) and five more suggestions came from the floor.

Residents’ meetings have no policy making powers, thus a brief paper came to cabinet on November 5, enabling Cllr White to take all 6 suggestions forward.

My engagement role which ended there was to chair the meeting not to take sides or formulate policy.

A motion to the December 17 council, tabled by the Mayor at the October 22 council recommended: “that council acknowledge the work that has been undertaken to date and the ongoing efforts to find a solution to this difficult issue and that council endorse the effort to find a solution in time for summer 2014”.

From that motion, work commenced ascertaining 90 potential TSP sites, shortlisted to Creekmoor and Oakdale.

Seeing the cabinet report on January 6, I immediately raised the alarm with Cllr Atkinson – NO capital costs shown, NO public consultation; NO councillor “scrutiny” involvement in selecting site(s); questionable safety of both sites.

I truly believed this was my “collective responsibility” to the people of Poole, keeping faith with the council and my residents.

I will rest the matter there.

Cllr Judy Butt Borough of Poole