HAVING worked as a freelance journalist in the past, I never cease to be amazed at the amount of information the Echo prints each evening.

In particular the unexpected events which I would otherwise miss – from reminders of fabulous evenings with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, live coverage at local cinemas of opera/plays from worldwide theatres, to lectures on health issues.

In fact, it was your information which sent me to a lecture at the Harbour Hospital a couple of weeks ago.

It was given by Dr Haroun Gajraj, FRCS, founder of the VeinCare Centre at the Melbury Centre, north of Dorchester. Working as a consultant vascular surgeon in the NHS, Dr Gajraj felt he could offer more, so he established the VeinCare Centre.

It was a most informative lecture – showing his audience the most up to date treatments!

Thank you Echo. Carry on with your snippets of information.

LYN ORTON, Branksome Park, Poole.