THE very idea of placing a wind farm in the proposed location off the Bournemouth coast is an utter betrayal and an insult to the founding father, Lewis Tregonwell, and those who have lived in and come to cherish the town ever since.

Bournemouth’s location in Poole Bay is a unique setting among seaside towns, lying as it does between the Purbecks and the Isle of Wight. This is a heritage which the present generation is custodian of and it rests on our shoulders to strive in every way to protect it for the future.

I understand the need to explore new ways of producing energy in the future but believe the destruction and blight of this World Heritage Site by such a wind farm is not the answer. Let us hope that future generations will not look back with horror, disgust and dismay should such a proposal be allowed to happen and the voice of common sense and historical significance being ignored. Be it on the heads of those who are part of the decision making process to get this right. If they permit this wind farm to go ahead they will have betrayed future generations by selling a part of this sceptred isle for 30 pieces of silver.

CHRIS COLLEDGE, chairman, West Cliff Green Residents Association