The wind farm off the coast will cost a lot of cash and all it will be is a danger to ships that use this route up the coast of Britain.

It will be just a white elephant. They will rust in a few years. I will say “I told you so” if a ship hits one. I don’t think other countries would ruin their coastal views.

I have put forward an idea to make better use of rivers and streams. I have spoken to my local MP to see about a bill to stop rivers and streams running away to the sea. I have sent the outline to Prince Charles to see if he could get help to get my project off the ground. It would cost a lot less than a wind farm as you do not need to use a large amount of boats. This could also provide much needed jobs. Plus undersea cables would not be needed, as the cables in most places on land are much closer than miles out at sea.

I hope someone will look at my idea. I have spoken to a company that make the generator. I have also spoken to one of the local councillors to see what views they would have on this idea. My name and address is supplied.

Please let’s have the people’s views on this project. This is to help future generations to be able to have fuel without the use of oil and gas.

All the things in this project would be paid for from the power generated in a very short time. One can only try to help all other people in this great country called Great Britain.