WE were appalled to read of the plans to replace the Christchurch Tourist Information Centre by including it into the Regent Centre.

What an impression that will give visitors to Christchurch. Firstly that we cannot afford to run our own information bureau!

Then they will have to find their way through the often crowded foyer which has people having coffee, queuing to book tickets, or visit the current exhibition, etc! Please, has anyone really thought why we have this bureau.

It is Christchurch’s service for the visitors and locals alike provided by experienced knowledgeable staff. How can this be carried out by volunteers, who by the very term means a continuing stream of well meaning people who will give generously of what free time they have, but certainly not on a regular basis.

We have often visited this shop both with visitors and on our own, to purchase truly local souvenirs, maps, books, etc. as well as to book coach trips, or just to get information. Each and every time the so knowledgeable staff in there have been a credit to Christchurch.

Their happy helpful attitude has been unfailing. Should our appeals fall on deaf ears, I hope that the staff of the Christchurch Information Centre will take this as a personal thank you for all the help they have given us over the past 30 years.

ANN CALVERT AND DAWN ALLAN, Southcliffe Road, Christchurch