I HAVE been a taxi driver for over a decade now and have seen some changes. So I have a few opinions to put across.

The situation with the bus congestion in the square is getting worse.

Buses are blocking each other both ways and double parking and letting passengers off in the middle of the road.

I think it is time we had a bus depot like the one in Poole as taxis are sometimes having to wait for a while to get from Westover Road to the Moon in the Square rank. The council needs to address this issue.

My other point is what I call the charity case passengers. The ones who go out to a nightclub spend copious amounts of money and then leave themselves short of money to get home.

There seem to be some people that try to negotiate a lower price to get home like the irresponsible couple I had tonight.

Well I’m sorry to say it is not the taxi driver's fault that you spent loads of money and didn’t put enough money aside to get home. We are out here trying to make a living.

We, unlike the majority of our customers, are not on a set wage per hour and definitely do not appreciate the attitude that some people have that as they have some money to get home but not all of it, they are doing us a favour.

Well it's not, it’s us doing you the favour. It’s our job so treat us with more respect and if you intend to go clubbing then put money aside at the start of the night if you intend to use a taxi to get home.

It is our job but ultimately whether you get a taxi or not is your choice.

P DAVIES, East Howe Lane, Bournemouth