HOW refreshing to read the letter from Mrs Vincent (Have Your Say, May 1) highlighting the positive about Bournemouth.

Her comments “These things bring Bournemouth together and show what a great town Bournemouth is, outweighing criminal deeds and drinking problems that we have in the town at night’’ are spot on.

Bournemouth IS a lovely and beautiful town and we should all be very proud and positive about it.

My personal friends from around the country who visit our family cannot speak highly enough about our environment and think we are so lucky to be here.

Unfortunately the Echo’s letters page has a hardcore of readers who continually write in complaining and moaning about anything and everything they can.

Wouldn’t it be great if they could take a leaf out of Mrs Vincent’s book and have a positive outlook on life.

CLLR DAVE SMITH, Bournemouth Town Centre councillor