I AM at present housebound. It is a relief from constant pain to read the opinions of others on the Have Your Say page of the Daily Echo.

Personal faith has recently come under scrutiny. However, those who would ban religion from the classroom seem to be very angry. This surprises me.

There are probably millions who like myself do not attend a place of worship, yet have a profound belief in God who also admit to the fact of evolution.

Evidence of ancient civilisations, when investigated appear to bring order into their society by belief in a god. Their god may be the sun or sacred mountain, but it is the glue that maintains order in a society. In this modern world there are many religions and various sects, they all have belief and faith. I have a belief in miracles, however I don’t expect everyone to believe the same, or condemn them if they don’t. However over many thousands of years, the invisible, unexplainable God has provided us with standards to live by.

Where in evolution do we get our moral standards? Promiscuity, lack of respect for any authority, the acceptance of the unnatural for normality, children mouthing obscenities at adults as they homeward go from school.

Has evolution left something out of the equation? Science has evolved from creating fire by striking flints together to destroying human beings with chemically created flames. Cloning is now possible, but please tell me how a pile of inert chemicals acquired the need to form into a blob of jelly from which all life emerged? What came first, the need to eat to survive, or some kind of vegetation to be eaten? We are after all just a chemical mixture. I don’t need answers. I’ll keep my faith but please let me do it in peace.

JACK LOVELAND, Parkwood Road, Wimborne