NOW, imagine a world with no oil derivatives. We would get by.

Imagine a world with no electricity. Our planet would grind to a halt. So we need wind turbines and solar power not only to exist, but to try and save this planet of ours which we are so surely killing day by day.

So for the New Year, can all of the NIMBYs stop crowing on about the wind turbine farm off the Dorset coast on the Letters page?

We need electricity.

We need our planet (well, our future offspring will), so what other options are there?

Look at “wind farm” on Wikipedia, (the ‘Offshore Wind Power’ and ‘List Of Offshore Wind Farms’ sections are most interesting).

Practically every other country has wind farms of some kind somewhere.

Did their NIMBY army write to their papers moaning about aesthetics?

Doubtful. The British are top of the pops at moaning, aren’t we?

ALAN BURRIDGE, Blandford Road, Upton