IT would appear the supporters of high cost renewable energy are once again sporting red faces.

A recent independent analysis of 3,000 onshore wind turbines confirmed yet more unsavoury contradictions from these multi-national businesses.

Our various governments had been told turbines enjoy a lifespan of 20 to 25 years and that calculation was built into government policy on spending that now materialises into yet more expense for the hard pressed taxpayer, because wind turbines only generate electricity effectively for 12 to 15 years.

Let’s hope this is the beginning of the end of this expensive nonsense. Why it was allowed to gain a foothold on our energy requirements demonstrates again what appalling decisions governments make. A 10-year-old would have known better.

And also, as well, will the clown who had the brilliant idea of putting wind turbines out to sea, where they are the least accessible, please step forward and apologise to the children who have to wear school coats indoors and the many frail people, whose metabolism slows to such a dangerous level, so as to induce hypothermia because of the cost of energy.

All this talk about turbines having a lifespan – what about the lifespan of our impoverished?

MIKE FRY, Moorland Crescent, Upton, Poole