SIMON Francis, Lewis Grabban and Marc Pugh all tried to lay claim to the goal that paved the way for Cherries’ first home win of the season.

Confusion reigned over the identity of the marksman after Cherries had netted their opener in a 2-0 triumph over League One rivals Leyton Orient.

Francis was credited with the goal by stadium Tannoy announcer Michael Botto after his corner had appeared to go in at the far post.

However, both Pugh – who bagged Cherries’ second goal just two minutes later – and Grabban also tried to claim the 65th-minute effort.

Francis said: “If my name was announced as the scorer then I am not going to argue. It looked like it ricocheted off a few players and I couldn’t really see.

“I thought someone else on our team had scored it so when Pughie ran over to me, I thought maybe it was him. It doesn’t really matters who scores as long as we get three points which we did.”

Pugh, who also said securing maximum points had been the most important aspect of the game, added: “I got across the defender and got the slightest of touches. It cannoned off another defender’s head so should really go down as my goal. I will try to claim it but was happy with the second one.”

Grabban, meanwhile, stated his case when he said: “It was my goal, it came off me last. I challenged the defender and it came off the back of me. I am claiming it.”

Victory came in front of newly-appointed management duo Eddie Howe and Jason Tindall who were unveiled ahead of kick-off.

Francis added: “There was a buzz around the club and you feed off that as a player. I thought the supporters were different class and were probably the loudest and best they have been at home all season. They have been top-drawer away from home and, if we can keep that type of atmosphere in home games, we will pick up a lot more points.

“It was a much-needed win and I think it had been coming. I don’t think where we are in the table reflects how good a team we are and how good the squad is. But the table doesn’t lie and we deserve to be where we are because we haven’t performed well enough.

“We are all hoping that what has happened off the field with the new management coming in will turn things round. I am sure it will and we can start looking up the table.”