WHEN Ryan Garry describes his latest injury predicament as “the hardest of my career”, you know it must have been pretty torturous.

The accomplished Cherries defender has been sidelined for more than four months due to a nagging nerve-related problem in his lower leg.

A relatively minor ailment on Garry’s medical record, it certainly pales into insignificance compared with the three years he once spent out with a shin complaint.

And while it has been another frustrating chapter, his current condition is also far less serious than the broken leg he sustained weeks after he had joined Cherries in September 2007.

But Garry told the Daily Echo: “I had an operation just before Christmas to remove some scar tissue. There was a lot of fluid around the injury sight and it was disturbing the nerve. That’s why it has taken a long time.

“It has been the most difficult injury of my career to come to terms with because of the nature of it. But you have to try to stay as positive as you can. It is a lot better now than it was six to eight weeks ago.

“I have been slowly upping my work load and am waiting for the last little bit. Hopefully, I am another week or two from being in a position to play a reserve game.”

Rather than lick his wounds and feel sorry for himself, Garry has used wisely his spell of inactivity, working for the benefit of his Cherries team-mates and for the club in general.

“I have been doing a few other bits and pieces just to keep my mind active,” said the 27-year-old, who has been restricted to 12 league and cup appearances this season.

“I have been doing some coaching and also compiling some scouting reports and team assessments for the management. It is all part of your education and I have learned a lot.

“I put off my coaching for a few years but got on a course in May. I have started to get my teeth back into it. As a player, you never stop learning.

“When Eddie Howe left, it was thought the chief scout would go as well.

“I spoke to Bradders and Fletch and offered to help out with some scouting. Fortunately, Des Taylor stayed and he asked me to watch a few games.

“I’ve done mini reports on four or five games. Des has helped me a great deal and he is very knowledgeable. It has been very insightful and gives you a different perspective.

“It is very different to watching us and just wanting us to win. You are looking much deeper into the games and looking for a lot of different aspects.

“From the teams I have watched, I have told our lads there is no reason why we shouldn’t be in the top pack come the end of the season. We have got so much in our squad.

“I have certainly taken a lot from both coaching and scouting and have found them very beneficial. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what level you are at, you can pick up so much by studying games. I’ve enjoyed staying involved and am looking forward to getting back playing as soon as possible.”