PIRATES chief Matt Ford has vowed to help implement change after being elected to the top table of British Speedway.

The Wimborne Road supremo has been voted as vice-chairman of the British Speedway Promoters’ Association following last week’s AGM in Bournemouth.

Ford is joined by chairman Alex Harkess and members Jon Cook, Jonathan Chapman and Neil Machin on the new-look management committee.

Ford, who has previously served on the committee as a member, told the Echo: “This committee has been put on to make change – make absolutely no question of that.

“Jonathan Chapman has some tremendous ideas and I think that he will be an enormous benefit to British Speedway on the management committee.

“People know what they’re getting with Jon Cook and myself. We don’t agree to everything. We’ve always loved the sport, but do what we feel is best for it.

“But you still have the old hands, in Alex Harkess and Neil Machin, to make sure that the sport carries forward in the vein that it should do.”

A delighted Ford added: “There’s no higher accolade than being voted for by the people that are involved in the sport.

“To have had the year that I’ve had off-track, it was great to know that the people who are actually involved in the sport know what type of person I am.

“I’m hoping that the changes that are being made by the association on this AGM more than any other will reflect what’s gone on in the past 12 months.

“I still cannot believe that the little schoolboy who came to Poole Speedway is now the vice-chairman of British Speedway.

“I said I expected the sport to move forward if severe changes were made, and I believe they have been.

“This is no reflection on the previous management committee, who have always done a sterling job.”