CHERRIES co-owner Paul Baker has confirmed he will include boss Eddie Howe in the decision-making process for the sale of the club.

Baker is waiting to see whether any of six parties follow up their initial interest in the club after revealing one other had tabled a formal bid earlier this week.

And while Baker said he would have the final say in awarding preferred bidder status, he also said he wants to involve Howe in his consultations.

In an interview with the Daily Echo last night, Baker revealed: “Somebody has to make the final decision and, ultimately, I will have the casting vote.

“But I will speak to my advisors and they include my lawyer, David Musker and Derek Timoney, while Eddie will also have an input. Anyone I feel has got something to add to the decision process will be consulted.

“All the interested parties have been asked whether Eddie is part of their plans going forward and, to a man, every one of them has given me a positive answer.

“Eddie has to be included. He is a great asset of this football club and has to be involved as far as I’m concerned.

“If we’re looking at bids and one has got a playing budget of £1.2m and another of £1.5m, I’m sure Eddie would be interested in the £1.5m so it’s going to come under that kind of scrutiny.

“The best bid to take the club forward will be the one that wins the day. It’s not about what’s best for Paul Baker, it’s about what I feel is best for AFC Bournemouth.

“In the grand scheme of things, I’m not asking for a great deal and the bid I feel is going to be most beneficial to the football club in the future will be the one we will go for.”

Asked whether there had been any developments in Howe’s contractual situation, Baker replied: “Eddie is fully aware that I am quite happy to negotiate a new contract with him now.

“We want Eddie to stay and so does everybody I’ve spoken to who wants to take the club forward so I don’t see a problem.

“When it comes to the nitty-gritty, I’m prepared to agree a contract with Eddie now to give him some security but he may choose to wait until a new owner is across the threshold before he decides.”