ENES Unal has taken to social media to release a lengthy statement, describing his latest injury setback as “the biggest disappointment of my career”.

Striker Unal battled back from an anterior cruciate ligament injury in his knee to earn a call-up to Turkey’s provisional squad for Euro 2024.

He was widely expected to make the final cut for the tournament, only to suffer a broken toe in training, which scuppered his summer plans.

Now the 27-year-old, who is set to become a permanent Cherries player this summer after a successful loan spell from Getafe, has expressed his disappointment.

In a post translated from Turkish, Unal wrote, to his 242,000 Instagram followers, alongside a photo of him lying in a hospital bed: “Dear Instagram Diary, I know I despise you a lot, but it’s time to pour my heart into you.

“12 months ago I suffered from one of the toughest injuries an athlete can experience. With a great motivation from day one, I set out on this path with a positive look at this injury.

“One of the biggest reasons for this was the hope and goal of the European Championship. Speaking of hope, my national team career did not go the way I wanted it to and looking back, it was the biggest disappointment.

“Small injuries in important moments, inability to find their place and not accept oneself.

“Not many people know me closely, but those who really know me know how stubborn and boundary pushing person I am.

“In fact, the best example in the national team describing my character in this subject. When you are in this thought structure, you are always working with the hope of the future moment of that milestone.

“The European Championship was the best scenario possible in terms of the positive outcome of this story.

“I've made a lot of sacrifices, I've even pushed the limits I didn't know I had.

“When it comes to self-sacrifice, I never considered hard work as any sacrifice. The biggest sacrifice for me was being away from my three-year-old daughter for days, weeks and months from my family.

“Finally got where I hoped for, my goal of this. At a point where I feel so good physically and mentally I was one step away from touching my dreams.

“Whether you call it the game of life, destiny or bad luck, it's up to you, but one week ago, I experienced the biggest disappointment of my career.

“Going through 12 months like this makes you question everything you did.”

Unal continued: “One of the most important qualities I've acquired over the years is to spend every day and every moment with positive thoughts and energy.

“One week leading up to this surgery I lost it, but today a new chapter has been opened for me. Now it's time to push again.

“Most importantly, it is time to dream again and hold onto these dreams with hope.

“Hope is a developable and contagious feeling. And the opposite of hope is not despair, but fear.”

Unal has scored three goals for Turkey, in 33 appearances.