INTERIM boss Gary O’Neil was unable to provide an update on goalkeeper Neto following Cherries’ 2-0 defeat to West Ham, stressing: “I don’t know exactly what that is yet.”

One-time Brazilian international Neto went down numerous times during the first half, receiving treatment for discomfort in his left leg.

It appeared the issue was caused fairly innocuously, the former Barcelona shot stopper first going down after clearing the ball.

He soldiered on until the break, when he was replaced by Mark Travers for the second-half.

When asked for Neto’s prognosis, O’Neil told the Daily Echo: “I’ve been really busy with the game and the boys that were still on the pitch.

“I haven’t got any info on that yet.

“The reason we changed him was he had pain behind his leg. I don’t know exactly what that is yet.

“It was obviously serious enough to come off.”