Brits could save themselves around £400 on an average wardrobe simply by buying pre-loved clothing, Gumtree has found.

New research from community classified platform Gumtree found 41% of younger people said they felt pressured to buy new from big brand names.

Over a third added that the brand purchases made off the back of this pressure they later regretted.

With the average Brit set to spend £304 on new fashion items in 2023 alone, this means the nation is set to waste £6.1 billion on high street buys.Bournemouth Echo: You could make massive savings simply by buying second hand.You could make massive savings simply by buying second hand. (Image: Getty Images)

How to save £400 on Gumtree by buying pre-loved items

Gumtree said if Brits swapped these brand purchases for second-hand items, like those found with them, they could save around £400 on a capsule wardrobe.

It added 11 wardrobe staple items on Gumtree would cost £388 compared to £784 if they were purchased from the high street. 

They used four examples of just how much pre-loved fashion could save you on some of the big name brands including Levi, Nike and Ralph Lauren:

  • Levi Jeans - retail price: £110, Gumtree purchase price: £15, resulting in a saving of £95
  • Nike running trainers - retail price: £120, Gumtree purchase price: £20, resulting in a saving of £80
  • Ralph Lauren Shirt - retail price: £139, Gumtree purchase price: £12, resulting in a saving of £127
  • Superdry coat - retail price: £109.99, Gumtree purchase price: £20, resulting in a saving of £89.99

Chief Marketing Officer at Gumtree, Hannah Rouch, said: "We are calling on the fashion industry - from fast fashion brands to the world’s leading designers - to give more space to re-purposed and pre-loved fashion as well as to classics that stand the test of time. 

“With imagination, style and sustainability can be compatible.

"There are literally millions of unique pieces, fashion classics and one off gems just waiting to be picked up on circular economy platforms like Gumtree and they’re all available for a fraction of the price of the spontaneous trend driven purchases that so many of us come to regret.

"Going pre-loved is an all round win - a win for the planet, a win for our consciences and for our purses!”

Top tips for buying on Gumtree

There are a number of key things to do if you want to snag the perfect bargain on Gumtree, according to the platform:

Set up notifications 

Turning on notifications for specific items/brands means you can get in there quickly and beat the competition to the item that’s top of your wish list!

Buy on flip seasons

When looking for summer items shop in winter and vice versa.

Gumtree added: "You’ll be up against way less competition so will be in the driving seat when it comes to setting the price you’re happy to pay."

Use specific keywords 

Gumtree experts explained the more tailored and specific your search terms the more fruitful your search will be. 

Get talking 

The classified platform said: "Don’t be afraid to approach sellers with questions. It’ll make sure you don’t end up with a purchase you regret and might even help land you a bargain."

Top tips for selling on Gumtree

If you have fallen out of love with an item of clothing rather than just throwing it away or letting it sit in your cupboard forever, why not sell it?

Gumtrees tips for selling included:

Be as descriptive and detailed as possible 

The description is how people will find your listing so include keywords like the brand, make and condition of the item.

Gumtree experts added: "Bring your item to life by talking about the occasions it can be used for, what it can be paired with and how sought after it is as an item."

Make sure you take a wide range of eye-catching photos 

Show your item from different angles, present it in the best possible light and do the little things like ironing them before photographing.

To secure a quick sale, price your item fairly

Always check out similar listings on Gumtree for guidance and take age and condition into account.