With much of the country in the first stages of a bitter winter where temperatures recently fell to lows of around -15C in parts of north east Scotland, many have been forced to put their heating on.

However, the average cost of heating up homes has skyrocketed with prices reaching as much as £2.76 an hour for three-bedroom properties with small boilers.

This means that households could be spending as much as £82 a month, assuming they are putting the heating on for just one hour a day.

With energy costs expected to remain high over the winter months, many might be looking for ways to save money on their heating ahead of further cold spells.

READ MORE: How do you get rid of damp and condensation?

Seven DIY heating hacks to help save money on your energy bill

Here are seven DIY tricks to help save money on your heating this winter, according to the experts over at Brandon Hire Station:

1. Tinfoil insulation

According to Brandon Hire Station, placing tinfoil behind a radiator can be an excellent way to reflect heat back into the house, retaining and preventing heat from escaping through the walls.

To do this, homeowners should cover a thin sheet of cardboard with tin foil and place it behind their radiators.

2. Floating shelves

By strategically placing floating shelves above a radiator, residents can help control the flow of heat around the room.

The shelve is similar to the tinfoil hack in that it deflects heat to where people want it.

3. Use your oven 

While most of us will close our oven door after cooking something, Brandon Hire Station has said that leaving it open after use can allow some of the excess heat to warm up the kitchen.

However, people should be careful of this if they have children or pets.

Bournemouth Echo: PA - tin foil insulation is a great way to redirect heat into the homePA - tin foil insulation is a great way to redirect heat into the home (Image: PA)

4. Thermal curtains

With much of a home's heat being lost through the window area, thermal curtains can be a great way to trap heat in.

A cheaper option for this is the use of blackout-lined curtains.

5. Reseal windows

Cold air can enter a home through cracks in a window. By resealing wear and tear in the window's sealant, people can stop and lower the loss of heat from these areas.

This can also be done through self-adhesive tape around the window frame.

6. Insulate doors

By applying weather stripping between the door and door frame, residents can prevent heat from escaping from entrances.

If a door is not fitting snuggly into its frame, then it may be a source of heat loss and could need to be insulated.

7. DIY loft insulation 

Hot air rises, so ensuring that heat cannot escape through the roof is an effective way to combat heat loss.

While loft insulation is expensive, DIY ways of doing this could include the use of mineral wool and recycled paper.

Three rolls of 8in deep foam should also be enough for most lofts.