We have all scrambled to remember a dream after we wake up and are often found wondering what it could possibly mean.

The average person is said to spend approximately a third of their life sleeping, and dreaming which helps to preserve memories, aid emotional regulation and process difficult feelings.

If you have ever dreamed about snakes, being chased or any number of things, you may have taken to Google to attempt to understand them better.

The sleep experts at Sleep Seeker share this curiosity, gathering the most common types of dreams around the world, and in the UK based on Google searches in the last year.

Bournemouth Echo: A man sleeping. Credit: CanvaA man sleeping. Credit: Canva

Here are the top 10 most common dreams people have in the UK and a little insight into what they could possibly relate to your waking life.

Most common dreams in the UK and their meanings

1. Snake

Dreaming of snakes about snakes is said to represent "rebirth, moving on or can symbolise a challenge or situation that could be frustrating you", Sleep Seeker says.

2. Pregnancy

The sleeping experts say that if you are not currently planning to have a baby, your pregnancy dreams could represent growth in your life including career opportunities or could be a symbol for starting again.

3. Cat

If you are scratched by a cat in a dream, it suggests that you are feeling threatened by something or someone.

However, if the cat is happy, this can represent fertility, love or landing back on your feet after a tough situation, Sleep Seeker says.

4. Dog 

Like cats, if you are dreaming about dogs then the meaning changes depending on its mood.

Happy dogs can represent recovery or nurturing from a loved one.

On the flip side, dreams about aggressive dogs can indicate communication issues.

Bournemouth Echo: A woman sleeping beside your dog. Credit: CanvaA woman sleeping beside your dog. Credit: Canva

5. Chased

"Although dreams of being chased can be related to your daily life, often occurring after watching a horror movie or being chased by a dog, these dreams can also represent your feelings," the sleep experts explain.

They can also represent fear, close-mindedness or avoiding things in your everyday life.

6. Flying

If you dream about flying, this can represent freedom or the desire to have freedom from a situation.

If you are flying with ease in your dream this could be symbolic of you regaining control.

Bournemouth Echo: A man sleeping. Credit: CanvaA man sleeping. Credit: Canva

7. Cheating

Sleep Seeker says that the other person involved in the cheating in your dream can be a symbol of something you desire in your own life, or someone might have a trait that you admire.

8. Hair falling out

According to L'Oreal Paris, a dream about your hair falling out could mean that you are concerned about getting older and having to deal with everything that comes with aging including hair loss.

9. Falling

If you are having dreams about falling, it could mean that you are feeling inadequate or that you are losing control, according to Health Line.

10. Crashing a car

Depending on where you are in the car, your dream can mean different things.

For example, if you are the driver you might be feeling guilty about something that you have done in the past. 

In contrast, if you are the passenger, it suggests that you are worried about things that are outside of your control, according to Dream Meaning Net.