I watched the FLM for years before I ran it.

Lying in bed watching the fancy-dress fundraisers and the wheelchair athletes and the elite runners who can do 26 miles at a pace I (still) can’t even manage for one mile should have made me feel lazy, or depressed, or something.

But actually it always made me feel great warmth to my fellow human beings – both the ones who were running and the ones who’d bothered to get up and stand by the side of the road for six hours, cheering on thousands of people they’d never met.

And that feeling goes double when you’re actually taking part.

Because I’ve always been a runner, and because I’ve always been relatively fit, I’ve never felt I deserved praise for taking part.

It’s the non-runners who do it not for the physical achievement but for their charities who should get the plaudits.

Putting together these messages of support reminded me, yet, again, that there are thousands of people whose achievement is greater than mine.

So when I think about the big day, I feel under-prepared, slightly nervous, desperate to get started - but most of all I feel lucky to be running.

As hoary as it may sound, being surrounded by people doing this incredible thing - not because it’s a personal ambition but because they’re raising money that will change lives - is a moving and humbling experience.

There’s no dark side to marathon day spirit, no clouds to ruin the outpouring of goodwill from the hundreds of thousands of people involved.

It’s an incredible, awe-inspiring spectacle that highlights just how amazing us Brits can be.

Sunday, 9.45am. Watch it on your sofa with a cup of tea. It'll make you proud.


I promised a round up of runners and here they are. I’ve linked to their fundraising sites where they have them, but mainly I’d like to imagine you all sending them positive vibes on Sunday.

Good luck to everyone who contacted me. I’ll be wearing a pink vest with my name on the front, so if you see me at Blackheath or on the course, feel free to say hello!


Hi Sam. My name is Sarah Penny and I am running the London Marathon for the first time and I am very nervous, but on the other hand very excited.

My training has gone well and I have raised sponsorship for Breast Cancer.

My dad David Bennett is also running and this will be his 3rd time but on this occasion has decided to support me by running with me. He has raised money for Cancer Research. Good luck to everyone for Sunday.

Sarah Penny Poole.

Hi Sam, I will be running on Sunday for Action for Children, as my husband and I are foster carers for them.

Their local office is based in Fareham and we are their first carers in Bournemouth.

I will be dressed as Supergirl. This is my 1st marathon and is three years and three weeks after I had a hysterectomy at the age of 33.

Until two years ago I hated exercise but have since been converted and I am now a qualified Personal Trainer!

Good luck to everyone else taking part. My race number is 33601.

Regards, Jackie Lindon

Hi Sam, Yes – I am running the London Marathon on Sunday – I’m a first timer! Went up to the Expo to collect my number and chip yesterday – and indulged in a sports massage too!

My dad ran the Athens Marathon in 1983 when he was 40 (he’d made the mistake of commenting to friends that, “Any one can run a marathon at 40 if they do the right training”!). I was 40 just before Christmas and decided I should follow in his footsteps by doing a marathon too!

I’m running to raise money for Shelter, the national housing charity. So far I’ve raised just over £1800 thanks to generous support from friends, colleagues and family. Getting excited about the run now – I feel as ready as I ever will!

Good luck to everyone who’s taking part! Well done!, Helen Youings

Hi Sam, It would be great if you could include the Poole Hospital Wish List team.

There are five of us taking part – me, Kim Coleman, Jackie Nicklin, Beth Legesse and Donna Pearce – and we’re all very excited… and very nervous now!

We’ve been training really hard and are hoping to raise over £6,000 between us for The Wish List, Poole Hospital’s charity.

Good luck for Sunday!

Kind regards, Karen Hollocks

I am running the London Marathon on Sunday , it will be the third time I have done it and once again I'm doing it for Cancer Reaserch UK.

My husband Mike & two sons Matt and Jonathan are travelling up with me to cheer me on.

I'm feeling quite nervous as since tappering my training this week and stuffing myself with lots of lovely bread and carbs my legs feel heavy, my knees ache and I can't imagine being able to run 6 miles let alone 26!

Still I'm hoping the lovely atmosphere and support which I remember from last time I ran it in 2005 and the fact that I'm doing it for a good cause will keep me going.

I have been training with friends from Bournemouth Joggers ladies running club which has made the long runs more enjoyable.

Thanks and good luck to everyone running on Sunday! Debbie Camp.

Hi Sam, just to let you know that I (Diane Annear) am taking part in the London Marathon on Sunday, along with two other colleagues – Sarah Skinner and Ellie Hallmark.

We are running for the charity PHABKids. We commenced our training in November, and bravely (or stupidly) continued our program through the freezing weather conditions, and did question ourselves about what we were doing, and whose idea was it in the first place (that would be Sarah’s!).

The fundraising has been a challenge, and at times more difficult than the training!

As the day approaches, we finished our last run yesterday, the nerves are setting in, along with the realisation that 26.2 miles is really a long way!

We’re just hoping that all those words of advice given don’t get forgotten and that the crowd really do pull you over the finish line.

Good Luck to you too.

Diane Annear , Bournemouth.

Hi Sam, This'll be my 6th and hopefully final London Marathon. I seem to forget the pain during the race and take part the following year!

Good luck to everyone running and let's hope the weather is kind. Matt Storey,Winchester.

My name is Sally Cross and I will be running the London Marathon for the first time this year.

I have watched for many years thinking I could do that but never daring to enter!

Last year my sister ran and she truly inspired me to get on and get running.

So from not being able to run to the end of the road this time last year to running a marathon I truly feel like I have accomplished something even before I get to run the marathon!

I have been training since September last year and have managed to get hundred of miles under my belt, but having a three year old daughter has made finding the time to train difficult on most weeks!

I am thoroughly looking forward to Sunday and at the moment I don't have any race day nerves, sure this will change on Saturday night.

As I have been one of the lucky runners to gain a ballot place I decided that I must at least use the opportunity to help raise some money for a local charity.

I am running and raising funds for Haycorns Pre-school based in Dorchester.

They are a charity-run pre-school and like many these days are constantly fund raising to be able to stay open.

All the money I raise will be put towards transforming the garden and outdoor space at the pre-school enabling the children to learn, explore and play outside of the classroom.

If anyone feels they would like to sponsor me and make a difference they can do so online at www.everyclick.com/sallycross.

Hi Sam, since November of last year, I’ve been training & fundraising for the London Marathon, preparing myself for the 26.2 mile run & aiming to reach my fundraising target of £1500.

I now find myself three days away from the race, becoming increasingly anxious of the task ahead, but the thought of my nan (Gwen) in a care home spurs me on.

Regards Ed Mercer

Hi Sam, my friend Helen Guerrier from Poole Runners is doing it so wondered if you could wish her luck? She's done so well in her training despite injuries and I hope she does well!

Thanks, Lauren Tidbury

Hi Sam, You stuck my story up as a guest blog - training has been good and I am really hoping I can crack the 3hrs 30mins, I will let you know on Monday.

Good luck I am sure you will do much better than 3hrs 56mins - remember its all in the mind! See you on the course, Simon.

Hi Sam, our very lovely Mel is running the London Marathon and she is donating all her sponsorship money to Lewis Manning Hospice.

Her training is going well apart from her little feet are sore and she has lost a toe nail, but apart from that we are all very proud and would like to say “thank you” to her.

Thank you, Rena Holloway.

Hi Sam, I am running the race for The Childrens Trust and the fundraising has gone well and should raise over £800.

I have never run a full marathon before but the training has gone very well and cannot wait until the race starts on Sunday.

Martin Sparks, Police Community Support Officer, Christchurch.

Hi Sam, my name is Ruth Kerley and I too am running the London Marathon on Sunday for Children with Leukaemia.

I was originally planning to run in costume, but as a result of injury to my back in the last three weeks of training I have had to drop the outfit - so will now be visible only by the two Mr Happy balloons that will be floating on ribbons tied to my T-shirt on the day!

I am incredibly nervous, having not run this distance for over 7 years.

Since then I have had a baby who is now 5, gained a serious amount of weight and had to diet to shake off a total of nearly 6 stone to get ready for this which in itself was a challenge!

Look out for me on route - the balloons will be the giveaway I hope and best of luck to you in the meantime!


Sam, I too am running the marathon on Sunday in aid of www.nile2010.co.uk an expedition from Bournemouth Avon Explorer Scouts and 38th Bournemouth Scouts to Uganda in the summer of 2010 to build a vocational training centre for orphans and vulnerable children in the Jinja district of the country.

Nervous of another heatwave run as was in 2007 but determined! All the best to you for Sunday!!!

Andrew ‘Noddy’ Stevens – Assistant Scout Leader, 38th Bournemouth Scout Group.

Hi Sam,I am running the London Marathon on Sunday, it is my 5th since 2002.

I run for Lytchett Manor Striders running club and each year raise money for Leukaemia Care because of my parents experiences. So far I have raised about £3000 over the 5 marathons.

Best of luck to you on Sunday as well!, Regards, Brian .


And a final few words from the eMarathoners – a community of runners who’ve encouraged each other throughout the training despite starting out as complete strangers from all over the country.

I asked them to sum up their marathon experiences on one 140 character Twitter message: First is philrunslondon, who sadly had to pull out of the race because of an iliotibial band injury, who said: "painful and ultimately fruitless. I may still be in a bad place..."

but we have absolute faith he’ll be back next year!

Kusasi said: "Consumed last ten months of my life, got me fit for the first time, found me a whole community of support and lost me 2 stone!!"

Bekibutton said: "Training and fundraising will take over your life but it is totally worth all the aches, pains and effort, a real achievement!"

BenAS said: "I train to run, I run so I can eat what ever I like. Therefore "I train to eat".

And one email message, because sometimes 140chars isn’t enough…

Hi Sam, Yes I'm running on Sunday.

This will be my first marathon, so I'm equally excited and nervous.

I've done all the miles, and stayed injury free this year (touch wood), so getting to the start line now is all that matters.

I'm about £150 off my target for Volunteer Reading Help, but am sure I'll make that up, especially as I get my hair dyed green, so I aim to turn the looks of amusement I get at work on Weds & Fri (expo Thurs!) into more cash... Us fellow eMarathoners are doing wonders for motivating each other I think!

Thanks & Good luck on Sunday, Ulen (@garkbit)

Good luck everyone!