A DORSET author has written two books to help victims of child sex abuse and warn of the dangers teenagers face from pornography.

Wilma Davidson, 77, has been a healer and therapist for 20 years and often helped patients deal with the trauma of sexual abuse and addiction to pornography.

The grandmother-of five has written a number of books over the last few years, including those on dowsing and healing, and was looking for a subject for her next book when she discovered several of her acquaintances had been abused as children.

While researching for her book Tears and Fears, described as a helpful guide for the families and victims of child sex abuse, date rape and trafficking, Wilma said she was also alerted to the issues of internet pornography.

She then went on to write The Porn Plague, which looks at the damage to the health of teenagers from watching internet pornography.

Wilma, from Walkford, said: “I wrote this book to be used as a weapon against hardcore pornography.

“It’s a deathly honest account of the possible damage to the emotional, physical and mental health of teenagers, linked to regularly viewing pornography.

“The ever growing flood of pornography is certainly not good for the sexual health of many teenage boys and girls who are at an impressionable age and are a significant section of the future adult population.”

She added that steps should be taken to ensure “tomorrow’s adult population” did not get addicted to pornography so it influenced their feelings, thinking or reasoning.

Both books are available from publisher EMP3Books. com, Barnes & Noble, Ingram Book Group and Amazon.