COUNCIL bosses in Poole have now produced a phone number for local residents to call to find out which street lights are being switched off in the borough.

It follows their refusal, “on police advice” to produce a list of streets taking part in its second midnight black-out.

The council consulted 14,750 residents in 4,500 roads across the borough but none will be told if enough of their neighbours voted in favour of taking part in the nine-month trial.

“I was not informed when I completed my questionnaire about streetlighting that I was taking part in a secret ballot,” said irate Terry Hughes of Creekmoor.

“To say that the streets concerned are not to be informed because it might raise awareness among the criminal fraternity of rich pickings is absolute tosh.”

However Gerry Bolland, also from Creekmoor, who continues to challenge the matter on public safety grounds, has been told that his road is staying lit.

“It would seem we have succeeded in preventing the switch-off at least in Woodpecker Drive. My neighbours and I are delighted the streetlights will now be staying on,” he said.

Julian McLaughlin, head of transportation services said: “A final decision on which roads will be included in phase two of the streetlighting trials has not been made.

“We will continue to follow Dorset Police advice not to publish a list of roads chosen for the trial.

“However, any resident who may wish to find out if their road is recommended for inclusion in the trial can contact us on 01202 262143.

“We would like to reassure residents that roads selected for part night light switch off between the hours of midnight and 6am will be on a trial basis only at this stage.”

The switch-off aims to save money and energy and cabinet on June 12 will be asked to approve the transportation advisory group’s decisions on individual roads.