THE jury in the Emily Longley murder trial have retired again this morning to consider their verdict.

The panel of 11 men and one woman were sent out at 10.10am by the Honourable Mrs Justice Dobbs to continue their deliberations.

Before they retired, Mrs Justice Dobbs answered a question the jury submitted on Friday in which they asked for guidance on whether Elliot Turner’s lack of action after the physical argument has any bearing on their decision on count one (murder).

The judge told them it is a matter of fact for the jury to decide and they are entitled to take into account any conduct by Elliot.

But she told them they should also consider any innocent explanation.

Elliot Turner is accused of murdering 17-year-old Emily Longley on May 7, 2011, in the bedroom of his home in Queenswood Avenue, Bournemouth.

His parents, Leigh Turner, 54, and Elliot Turner, 51, are accused of perverting the course of justice.

All three deny the charge.

The trial continues.