A ‘DEPRIVED area’ of Bournemouth has won £84,000 to fund voluntary groups and charities.

People in Springbourne can now apply to get a share of the cash before the June 15 deadline.

Elaine Findlay, chairman of the Springbourne Forum, said: “The money is for any group operating in Springbourne if they want to put in a bid. We hope this will do some good in the area.”

The money will be spent over four years.

The five priorities are: green spaces, night-time activities for the young, support for older people and the disabled, community cohesion, and relationships with the business sector.

East Cliff and Springbourne Cllr David Kelsey said: “The money is for the ward but it will be targeted at Springbourne because that’s where the lower income residents tend to live and it has pockets of deprivation.

“The money can be used by new or existing groups.

“It could be used for example for lunchtime meals for older people or if somebody wants to set up a youth group and the maximum is £2,500 per group.”

The money came from the Community Development Foundation, a charity funded by several Government departments.

Council Neighbourhood Warden Amanda Catlin said: “Groups will need to match-fund any grants awarded.”

For more information, and application forms, email springbourne1st@hotmail.co.uk.