THE teaching career of a talented pianist and prolific composer is in tatters after he was jailed for six months for making pornographic images of children on his home computer.

Bournemouth Crown Court heard how former musical director and vocal coach Marcus Marriott had taught children at two Bournemouth-based theatre schools before his arrest on September 20 last year.

Shamed Marriott, 34, who worked on many musicals, including West End productions, pleaded guilty to 29 offences of making indecent photographs of children.

Prosecutor Angela England said a search warrant had been executed at Marriott’s home in August last year after Dorset police received information from the Surrey force.

When material from his home computer was analysed more than 600 indecent movies and 136 pornographic still images were found.

During interview Marriott told officers he was homosexual and sexually attracted to young boys.

Ms England added: “He used his computer to suppress that attraction but his appetite for such material caused a greater addiction.”

She said Marriott’s work in the Bournemouth music and theatrical scene had brought him into contact with children aged from six-years-old.

Defending Marriott, James Newton-Price said: “This is, in many ways, a very sad case. My client is a man of hitherto impeccable character who is mortified and ashamed to be in this court on these charges.

“He has an excellent reputation and has had a very good career in musical teaching for the past ten years which is now largely closed off to him. He resigned as soon as he was charged with these offences and made full admissions. Downloading these images was becoming a daily habit and he was becoming addicted to this material.

“In some ways, being exposed in this most shameful of ways has come as a huge relief to him.”

The court heard how Marriott had moved to live with his mother on Shetland and sought help for his ‘addiction’ after being ‘vilified, shunned and abused’ when his crimes came to light.

Sentencing Marriott, Judge Samuel Wiggs said: “I very much hope that when you are released you will be able to continue in your career, which does not in any way harm a child.”

Marriott, of Parkview, Dunrossness, Shetland, will be a registered sex offender for seven years and must not work with children unless he discloses his conviction.