THE first Littledown marathon will take place in June with three world record holders already signed up.

Organised by Run Yer Socks Off the event is a major fundraiser for Olympic torch holder Barry Light’s “60 in 60 at 60” challenge.

This will be marathon number 28 in Barry’s quest to raise £60,000 for charity.

The marathon is limited to 50 runners and will consist of 26.25 laps around Littledown Park.

As well as Barry Light, other world record holders from across the country have also signed up.

All the money raised from the marathon and Barry’s challenge goes to The Wessex Autistic Society, Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance, Mosaic, Water Aid and Team PB.

Louise Trott, community and events fundraiser for The Wessex Autistic Society said: “Barry is truly an inspiration to anyone, he has sailed through his first 20 marathons but it will only get harder for him.

“We’d love as many people as possible to attend the inaugural Littledown Marathon to give both Barry and his fundraising efforts a huge boost before he embarks on his next 20 marathons.”

To donate to Barry’s challenge go to