While opinion is most decidedly divided about Buffy creator Joss Whedon's first cinematic outing of the year, tonight's the night the cinema-going public finally gets to pronounce its verdict on Avengers Assemble.

Will motion capture have finally given us a believable big-screen Hulk?

Who IS tougher, Iron Man or Thor?

Which will get more screentime, Scarlett Johansson's chest or Chris Hemsworth's biceps?*

Here's what our film reviewer has to say about it. Let us know what you think in the comments.

* This is not a serious question. Please don't write in

MORE is less in Avengers Assemble, the special effects-laden amalgamation of four Marvel Comics franchises.

Bringing together characters from Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and The Incredible Hulk, Joss Whedon's frenetic romp deftly knits together plot strands from the earlier films, threaded with tongue-in-cheek humour.

There's a clear presumption that audiences will have seen the pictures that inspire this battle royale, accounting for a paucity of fresh character development, which undermines the relationship between the two heroes without a franchise.

Avengers Assemble doesn't quite scale the dizzy heights of the original Iron Man but for almost two and a half hours, we're entertained and energised by Whedon's distinctive vision of the Marvel universe.